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Charles Medical Group Blog

Consultation Tips

Why A Consultation? The consultation or initial appointment with your physician is the most important aspect in the selection of the surgeon and procedure. Your consultation is a learning experience in which you should have a clear understanding of your best options and tools to help you make your final decision. There might be a […]

How much time do you have to wait after the first procedure before getting the second one

Question:I am 52 years old with fairly extensive hair loss and am figuring that I am going to need at least two hair transplant procedures. How much time do you have to wait after the first procedure before getting the second one? Answer:Most hair restoration physicians would agree that the final results of any hair […]

Is it possible to take donor hair from the sides of the head

Question:I was wondering if it is possible to take donor hair for a hair transplant from the sides of the head instead of the back of the head. If you can do this, do you take hair from both sides keeping it even or just one side? Answer:Yes, it is possible to remove hair from […]

Is there a time of the year when it is better to get a hair transplant

Question:Is there a time of the year when it is better to get a hair transplant? Would recovering in the summer be uncomfortable because of the heat or maybe the cold of the winter would be good for transplanted hairs? Answer:There is no specific time of the year when hair transplantation works better. We have […]

What is a trichophytic closure

Question:Can you explain what a trichophytic closure is? Answer:A trichophytic closure is a specific type of donor site closure that is used during hair restoration surgery. The trichophytic closure is performed after a typical donor strip has been removed from the donor region of the patient. Prior to suturing of the wound, an additional ledge […]

Can FUT and FUE techniques be combined during one surgery

Question:Can FUT and FUE techniques be combined during one surgery? Answer:Yes. FUT (follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Excision) can be combined and be performed on the patient during the same surgery. Often if a patient would like additional grafts and the doctor does not feel comfortable taking out any larger of a donor […]

Can women with hair loss use Propecia

Question:Can women with hair loss use Propecia and is it effective? Answer:Certain women that have genetic hair loss can try to use Propecia as a medication to slow down the progression of their genetic hair loss. In females that can document via either blood or saliva diagnostic testing that they have elevated levels of testosterone, […]

Difference between a slit graft and a punch graft

Question:Is there a difference between a slit graft and a punch graft and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Answer:Yes, there is a difference between a slit graft and a punch graft. A slit graft is a linear or rectangular shaped graft that can have anywhere from two to six hair follicles present […]

Does hair color affect hair transplant

Question:How does hair color affect hair transplant results? Answer:Hair color is one of the key characteristics of an individual patient that can have a significant bearing on the results of a hair restoration procedure. In cases where a patient has darker hair and lighter skin and there is greater contrast between the two, it often […]

How does curly hair respond to hair transplantation

Question:How does curly hair respond to hair transplantation? Answer:Generally curly hair transplantation works out very well. The hair above the surface of the scalp in a hair restoration procedure that is curly tends to cover more area and appears to be more hair than the number of grafts that were transplanted. This is in comparison […]

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